Mayan Resources


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The Legend of the Dwarf and the Governor of Uxmal (PDF) »

Maya oral tradition recounts how a dwarf and a governor faced three challenges that led to the construction of the tallest pyramid in Uxmal.

The Maya Calendar System (PDF) »

A more detailed explanation of the Maya calendar system.

The Meaning of the Days of the Maya Sacred Calendar (PDF) »

The Komon Tohil group of Day Keepers from Zunil, Guatemala, describe the meaning of each day in the Maya sacred calendar.

Quirigua Stela C Deciphered (PDF) »

Epigrapher Dr. Erik Velásquez of the Universidad Autónoma de México provides a more detailed translation of the hieroglyphs in Stela C of Quiriguá.

Tortuguero Monument 6 Deciphered (PDF) »

Epigrapher Dr. Erik Velásquez of the Universidad Autónoma de México provides a more detailed translation of the hieroglyphs in Monument 6 of Tortuguero.

Zenith Passage at Chichén Itzá: TL Columnas 15 05 12: (VIDEO) »

This timelapse video shows how shadows disappear from vertical objects (columns in the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México) during the zenith passage of the Sun, when the Sun is directly overhead. This astronomical event happens twice a year in tropical latitudes, and helped the ancient Maya measure the length of the solar year.

The Descent of Kukulkán: TL Castllo 1920 (VIDEO) »

This timelapse video shows a solar alignment at Chichén Itzá. During the equinoxes in March and September, a serpent of light and shadow descends the pyramid of El Castillo at the ancient Maya city of Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México. This event marks the time to prepare the earth for planting corn.


Calendars - »

Webpage Section »

Pa Puul »

Sun, Corn, and the Calendar - »

The Maya and the Sun - »

Maya World Map - »

Sun Above Sun Below Festivities- »

Sun Above Sun Below - »

Connecting Earth and Sky - »

The Maya People - »

The Creation Story of the Maya - »

Meaning of 2012 - »

Online Resources


Maya Calendar System:


Teachers' Guide:

For Children:

Maya Math:

Maya Writing System of Hieroglyphs:

Print Resources for Students

Print Resources for Research


Archaeological Sites:

Maya Creation Story:

Maya Calendar Keeping and Spirituality:


Maya Writing System of Hieroglyphs:

Full Glossary (PDF) 4 Ajau 8 Kumk’u

The creation date of the Maya Long Count calendar, corresponding to 11 August 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar. 4 Ajaw 3 Kank’in

The end date of the Maya Long Count calendar, corresponding to 21 December, 2012 in the Gregorian calendar.

4th Maya Era/4th Creation

Within the Maya world view, or cosmology, we are now living in the 4th era of creation.


One of the twenty days in the Maya sacred calendar. For many Maya, Ajaw is also the fundamental principle of time and space.


Ajq’ijab (plural of Ajq’ij) are specially trained people in the highlands of Guatemala who are calendar keepers and who use the Maya sacred calendar to guide their communities.


Aluxo’ob (plural of Alux) is the name given to mythical “goblins” or spirits in the Maya tradition of the Yucatán Peninsula. They are small forest dwellers who guard the corn fields.


A traditional beverage of corn meal cooked in water and typically sweetened with honey.

August 11, 3114 BCE

Date in the Gregorian calendar